Monday 7 April 2008

Of Models and Snow

Finally my 3D model of a hair dressers is almost complete. Just got some texturing to do. It's so easy to do it all in Sketchup. Absolutely love it. Once it's complete I'm not sure it will have a use but it will have been a good exercise. Though hopefully I'll be able to find a way to use it, maybe not as as interactive model but certainly as a show piece.

Also been doing some more tidying, etc on the placement site I've been working on. Gonna get some more work to do tomorrow, can't let me self have no work.... eh?

And finally, it's been snowing! I can't believe it! Snow in Bournemouth! HA! Though it's been odd weather for it. It's snowed pretty hard one minute then been warm and sunny the next, then snowed again. Odd. At the moment there's a light drizzel.

Oh and I've watched two amazing films recently. The Bucket List and The World's Fastest Indian. Two of the most beautiful films I've ever watched and I highly recommend them!