Thursday 6 December 2007

Of Illness and DHL

Well Andy is pretty ill at the moment. I think it's because he hasn't shaved his beard. Was getting a bit long, at least a centimetre in length! So I'm all alone, sat in my dark little office. Cut off from civilisation. In a university I hear your noggin clockwork thinking?! Think about it, I'm surrounded by students and academics that talk about intellectual things. If I could only get them to all talk in Hex...

I'm also pretty pissed with DHL at the moment. I ordered some stuff off and while tracking the parcel on the DHL website I saw no movement for four days. Then suddenly it was in the UK and a little DHL gremlin had been round my house only to find me not there and thus he (it?) was unable to pass me my parcel (of holding) containing my geeky goodies. So he left me a note telling me I could make a half hour drive to Southampton to pick it up or I could rearrange for him to come again. I choose the later, except I have given him instructions to tunnel (they do live and work underground right?) to my grandparents house instead. I hope he doesn't scare them too much...

I also started a new book last weekend, The Descent. The film is based loosely on the book for those interested. The book is also infinitely better as books-to-films usually are. Excellent read and I highly recommend it. Creepy and compelling I can't put the damn thing down. There's also a sequel called Deeper which I think I shall have to get my grubby little mitts on to read. Jeff Long is the author by the way.

I shall leave you with my rant, to post again another day. With any luck, come Monday, I shall be able to post about my geeky goodies. Watch this space, I may post a picture or two. I even have a 4th Birthday party to go to this week, I feel my toys may come in useful. Joy. And I mean that this time.