Wednesday 2 July 2008

Of Many Things

I've been told to get my arse in gear and start posting again on here. I was going to do some quick photo posts the other day but phone (SE K850i) has died on me and is currently being repaired by small monkeys with large tools. And thus I haven't been able to do it. The phone I have been using is my old Nokia 3410! It's about 8 years old or so I think. I can't remember when I bought it!
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Moving on though, the things I were going to photo-blog about are...

I have the new Final Fantasy! Crisis Core for the PSP. It's fantastic and I was going to take a couple of photos of it because I have the limited edition version which comes with a hardback artwork book. Fantastic game, completed it in 21.5 hours so not anywhere near the length of the full games, but it is for a hand held console. Still, it is amazing and I recommend playing it.

The second thing I was going to blog about is the new sculpture the university has erected in the library courtyard. It's... reflective. The entire thing is chromed up apart from a couple of stone looking touches. I will grab a couple of photos at some point and post them. I actually quite like it and it's better than the other lumps of rusty metal that are plonked on the front end of the university.

In other news I have been racking my brains for a new webdesign company name. As I blogged a little while ago, someone else is using WindFall Designs now so I'm having to change. A friend and I are going to team up as we are good at different things. He's a much better PHP, etc coder than I and I'd like to think I'm a better designer then he. So fingers crossed, working together we may actually get somewhere!

Now, I hope this satisfies my friend Richard (the one who told me to get my arse in gear) and if he doesn't comment then I shall break out my l33t hax0r skillz on his pasty white ass.

For now... bai!