Tuesday 6 November 2007

Of Validation and Tiredness

Well I am pretty damn knackered at the moment. Had a bit of a rough weekend with being a bit ill. Had a few arguments with Claire (nothing new there then eh?). But otherwise life is going well.

Until today when I decided to validate the two webpages I've created for mySC recently. Oh deary me. The only thing that validated straight away was the CSS but then how can you really go wrong with that?

The HTML wasn't valid, it didn't conform to Section 508 or WAI which are both accessibility standards so I've spent all today getting the pages right. So it's now official. Apart from being lazy and breaking the code of conduct about not using tables for layout design these pages are perfect. The conform to XHTML 1.1 Transitional, OK so it isn't Strict but what does that matter? haha. And they conform perfectly to accessibility standards with tab indexing and all sorts. So if a blind and deaf and limbless person can't use the site it's not my fault because someone hasn't come up with the standards for me to follow...

On a side note, it's old but there is a great plugin for FireFox called Web Developer. Gives about a hundred different options to do with websites. It will validate the code for you, strip the CSS out if you want, everything. Absolutely fantastic! I should probably use the IE Tab plugin as well, would stop me from having another window open but do I really want to bastardise FF?